SQL: select '2' as kbn ,t1.id AS parent_id ,t2.id ,t1.name ,concat(t1.name,t2.name) AS full_name ,t2.catch_copy ,t2.floor_area ,t1.floor_rank ,CASE ifnull(t1.out_img1,'') WHEN '' THEN 'img/data/noimage.jpg' ELSE t1.out_img1 END out_img1 ,CASE t1.foundation_era_code WHEN '' THEN '' ELSE CONCAT(CASE t1.foundation_era_code WHEN '0' THEN 'M' WHEN '1' THEN 'T' WHEN '2' THEN 'S' WHEN '3' THEN 'H' ELSE '' END ,t1.foundation_year, '年',CASE ifnull(t1.foundation_month,'') WHEN '' THEN '' ELSE CONCAT(t1.foundation_month, '月') END ) END AS foundation ,t1.property_code ,CASE t1.property_code WHEN 0 THEN '新築戸建' WHEN 1 THEN '中古戸建' WHEN 2 THEN '店舗・事務所' WHEN 3 THEN '新築マンション' WHEN 4 THEN '中古マンション' WHEN 5 THEN '土地' ELSE '' END AS property ,CASE t1.structure_code WHEN 0 THEN '木造' WHEN 1 THEN '木造2X4' WHEN 2 THEN '鉄骨鉄筋コンクリート' WHEN 3 THEN '鉄筋コンクリート' WHEN 4 THEN '鉄骨造' WHEN 5 THEN '鉄骨ALC' ELSE '' END AS structure ,FORMAT(t2.mm1, 2) AS mm1 ,FORMAT(t2.mm2, 2) AS mm2 ,FORMAT(t2.payment,0) AS payment ,CASE t2.madori_code WHEN 0 THEN 'ワンルーム' WHEN 1 THEN '1K' WHEN 2 THEN '1DK' WHEN 3 THEN '1LDK' WHEN 4 THEN '2K' WHEN 5 THEN '2DK' WHEN 6 THEN '2LDK' WHEN 7 THEN '2SLDK' WHEN 8 THEN '3K' WHEN 9 THEN '3DK' WHEN 10 THEN '3LDK' WHEN 11 THEN '3SLDK' WHEN 12 THEN '4DK' WHEN 13 THEN '4LDK' WHEN 14 THEN '4SLDK' WHEN 15 THEN '5DK' WHEN 16 THEN '5LDK' WHEN 17 THEN '5SLDK' WHEN 99 THEN 'その他' ELSE '-' END AS madori ,CASE t2.direction_code WHEN 0 THEN '北' WHEN 1 THEN '南' WHEN 2 THEN '東' WHEN 3 THEN '西' ELSE '' END AS direction ,concat(city_name,m1.town_name,m1.area_name) AS address ,concat(m1.pref_name,m1.city_name,m1.town_name,m1.area_name,t1.address) AS full_address ,t1.lat ,t1.lng ,SUBSTR(m2.line_name,1,INSTR(m2.line_name,'線')) AS line_name ,m2.station_name ,CASE t1.to_station1 WHEN 1 THEN CONCAT(t1.station_info1, '分') ELSE '-' END to_station1 ,CASE t1.to_station1 WHEN 2 THEN CONCAT(t1.station_info1, '分') ELSE '-' END to_station2 ,CASE t2.current WHEN 0 THEN '更地' WHEN 1 THEN '建築中' WHEN 2 THEN '居住中' WHEN 3 THEN '改装中' WHEN 4 THEN '古家有' WHEN 5 THEN '空室' ELSE '' END AS current ,concat(t1.coverrage,'%') AS coverrage ,concat(t1.area_ratio,'%') AS area_ratio ,CASE t1.district1 WHEN 0 THEN '第1種低層住居専用地域' WHEN 1 THEN '第2種低層住居専用地域' WHEN 2 THEN '第1種中高層住居専用地域' WHEN 3 THEN '第2種中高層住居専用地域' WHEN 4 THEN '第1種住居地域' WHEN 5 THEN '第2種住居地域' WHEN 6 THEN '準住居地域' WHEN 7 THEN '近隣商業地域' WHEN 8 THEN '商業地域' WHEN 9 THEN '準工業地域' WHEN 10 THEN '工業地域' WHEN 11 THEN '工業専用地域' ELSE '-' END district1 from est_buying_and_sellings t1 left outer join est_buying_and_selling_rooms t2 on t1.id = t2.buying_and_selling_id left outer join est_areas m1 on t1.pref_code = m1.pref_code and t1.city_code = m1.city_code and t1.town_code = m1.town_code and (t1.area_code is null or t1.area_code = 0 or t1.area_code = m1.area_code) left outer join est_stations m2 on t1.line_code1 = m2.line_code and t1.station_code1 = m2.station_code where t1.status = '0' and t2.status = '0' and t1.property_code = ORDER BY t2.payment+0 ASC LIMIT 0 ,400